I’m from Costa Rica!

On July 15th, 2000, I was born in Puntarenas. I was raised and have lived in Orotina, a district of Alajuela, since childhood. When I was a child, I developed an incredible love for technology and science. This event encouraged me to become a developer and designer.


About my Knowledge

In 2018, I started my specialization in Computer Science and Multimedia Technology at the University of Costa Rica (UCR).

In 2021, I completed my bachelor's degree, and I am currently finishing my master's degree.

About my hobbies & Passions

Passionate about all UX and UI trends, usability, and accessibility, I am a Full Stack Developer, primarily focused on Frontend development. I have been involved in various projects using technologies such as React, JavaScript, Typescript, PHP, and jQuery. Giving me hand-code experience in hybrid mobile and web development

Additionally, I excel in crafting vector elements, wireframes and prototyping, ensuring a seamless integration of design and development for optimal user engagement applying usability and accessibility principles.

I enjoy creating great looking digital products, focusing on performance, and good user experience as well.

Software Development

Development projects that showcase my expertise in Drupal, React and React Native. I apply the principles of atomic design methodology, generating reusable components and developing decoupled sites with React-based frameworks such as NextJS, Angular, Gatsby, Astro and Remix consuming APIs using GraphQL and HTTP request methods. I also have experience in data modeling management with databases RDBMS in MySQL.

Besides, the uses of tools for control version with GitHub and dependency manager such as Composer, NPM, and Node.js.






React Native























Design & Multimedia

Elaboration and vector elements, various components of motion graphics, as well as making of visual material and wireframes for web development and prototyping.

In addition, constructions of visual identity as branding with elements such as logos, business cards, thematic flyers, and mockups. Mainly focused on the elaborations of brand guidelines.




After Effects

Premiere Pro


My experience working as a software developer and other roles since 2019.

2021 & Present

Full Stack Developer at ParallelDevs

Development projects that showcase my expertise in Drupal, React and React Native. I apply the principles of atomic design methodology, generating reusable components and developing decoupled sites with React-based frameworks such as NextJS, Angular, Gatsby, Astro and Remix consuming APIs using GraphQL and HTTP request methods. I also have experience in data modeling management with databases RDBMS in MySQL and a strong commitment to excellent practices in SEO, usability and accessibility.

My expertise extends to generate reusable components for custom theming and consume backend services. Additionally, I generate documentation, code standardization, guidelines and how to articles for other developers.

Some of my achievements include:

  • Developments in limited times.
  • Active participation in the Drupal community, and module maintenance.
  • Joint development with people from different countries like USA, Canada, and Bangladesh.
  • High performance in development as well as interface.
  • Gave tech talks to colleagues and at the Drupal Camp CR 2022 & 2023.

2021 - 2022

Frontend Developer at ParallelDevs

I worked in frontend development generating and building websites in Drupal, ContentFull and WordPress. I actively participated in the suite building and customization of Drupal themas and the configuration of blocks, views, taxonomies and modules. Developed projects in React using different Node.JS libraries.

2019 - 2021

Assistant at University of Costa Rica (UCR)

I updated and managed the library's website and database, also managed the library's social networks, created posters and other graphic identity elements to promote academic activities. I organized campaigns in the UCR providing help and support in different socio-cultural activities that involved people from the community, and people in situations of poverty or social risk. I managed the office and organized several documents to keep control and inventories.


InterGameDev & Desing at Ingeniust

I developed content and graphic material for social networks. Design and prototyping of User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) for projects developed in Unity , I setup graphic material for printing and identifiers for third parties generating brand identity and visual identifier for several companies.


This is a collection of my work. I am always looking for new projects to work on.

If you have a project you would like to discuss, please get in touch.


Wireframes for Sinwa Tours

A website for a small entrepreneur company called Sinwa Tours located in Monteverde.

View on Figma


Ticovid APP Wireframes

A mobile application for the Costa Rican government to track the spread of COVID-19.

View on Figma


Magic The Gathering

A prototype application which consumes the Magic’s gathering API.

View on GitHub


Ticovid APP Prototype

A fully functional prototype, developed in conjunction with other classmates. Mobile app to know about the SARS-CoV-2 virus situation in Costa Rica.

View on GitHubView on Figma


Matte Painting Art

A fantasy photo montage with various elements, using the technique matte painting.

View on Instagram


This Portfolio

My personal portfolio, built with Next.js, React, Bootstrap, using Node Modules Packages, and deployed on Netlify.

View on GitHub

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